Irish Peaks Images

In December 2022, Mountaineering Ireland released the 2nd edition of their encyclopaedic Irish Peaks Book.
The 100 highest peaks in the country are covered along with hillwalking routes and a lot of supplementary information

As part of the re-release they asked if people had any images they thought would be better than the existing ones in the first edition. I thought i might have some, so i sent in a few.

I was absolutely over the moon when i was contacted and asked if it was ok to use the Masatiompan Image. Of course, Of course… The icing on the cake, they would send me a complementary second Edition of the book. I was chuffed to say the least.

I’ve received the book over this past week and became ever more delighted when i saw two further images i had sent in, were also used, Slievanea and Baurtregaum

I am so incredibly proud at the moment.

I am a current member of Mountaineering Ireland however I am not affiliated in any way with Mountaineering Ireland or Irish Peaks.
You can buy the book here.


This was captured at sunrise during the summer of 2022, during one of the heat waves. The entire drive down was covered in cloud, but i carried on regardless and was met with this absolutely spectacular sunset and sunrise. I have a blog post on the outing here

Slievanea Northeast

This was captured during a hike taking in a number of peaks above Macha na Bo / Glenahoom valley. I feel it really captures the whole area perfectly.


This was captured at sunrise during the summer of 2022, during one of the heat waves. The original image takes in a number of peaks: Gearhane, 3 of the Baurtregaums and Caherconree as well as the spectacular Derrymore Glen. I have a blog post on the outing here

Eddie Forde

Landscape Photographer from the South West of Ireland.

Enjoys hiking to get the shot.

Slea Head Storm


Minard - Knocknanacree