Thank You 2024

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to create a post here to say thanks for all the support throughout the year on YouTube.
Not sure if many people will see it, but if you have dropped in,, thanks for clicking the link in the Community post on YouTube.

I think I got about 20 videos in the end, which was alright considering the very slow start to the year.

It doesn’t look like i’ll get another video out before the end of the year and who knows how next year will start.

Thanks again for all the support and see ye next year


I headed out for a drive over the weekend without the vlogging gear, just the camera, down towards Dingle.
Ended up getting a really nice sunset. It looked promising at Coumeenole but i’m really glad I headed over towards Clogher Head for the view back towards the Blaskets and Dunmore.
Over the last few years i’ve often stopped there for sunset and only once in the blue moon do you get something worth photographing. It’s always nice to be there, just sometimes the photography doesn’t work out. This is the video for it.

It’s nothing fancy, just a couple of clips I wanted to put together. I have come back many times with clips on days out that I don’t put online, but I just wanted to share this time for some reason.
Also are a few pics from the evening. Really happy with how they came out.

Eddie Forde

Landscape Photographer from the South West of Ireland.

Enjoys hiking to get the shot.



Storm Ashley