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It’s been a while, but have eventually managed to get back out and make a video. It felt a little strange to be honest.

I should have spent more time with the high up shots at ballydavid head, or Ballydavid North as a local lady told me when I asked, as there is another Ballydavid opposite the bay and im never sure what this place is called. The lack of light was an issue when I got back and looked at the images. I;’m still delighted with the ones I took from there and did take some time with them,,, but there is so much more opportunity there I could have stayed longer.

The following day at Bonn na mBan was a non runner for shots, due to the wind and driving mist/rain. Got some nice clips tho and was happy to be able to put a video together. Like I said, it’s been a while and the doubt had crept in as to whether i’d still be able to do it or indeed still be interested in doing it. Glad to say I enjoyed it :)

Here are the shots from the video
Hope you enjoy them

Eddie Forde

Landscape Photographer from the South West of Ireland.

Enjoys hiking to get the shot.

West Cork


Mizen Head