Slieve Donard

A fantastic day spent on in the Mourne Mountains
A long way from my usual haunts but a trip that was very much enjoyable.
The Mourne Wall kinda surprised me at how impressive it was.
If I said it once I said it a hundred times, so yes, I am aware :)

The full walk was around 19km, a bit longer than I had planned and by the end , for the last few km’s I was barely moving. it was slow going.
Elevation gain as well was quite considerable being either 1399 or 1249 depending on what you use. It shouldn’t vary between apps, but it does, which is annoying.
It all a fairly obvious route with a well worn path firstly going along by the wall and the Brandy Pad is pretty obvious also, so navigation on a day like today was no problem. The following day, the cloud was down low so absolutely lucked out with the weather for this one.

Parked at the Bloody Bridge Car Park, which was free at the time, and had basic facilities at the car park, which is a big departure from down South.

A thoroughly enjoyable trip, for my first time in The North and I am already looking forward to heading back up, whenever it may be...



Eddie Forde

Landscape Photographer from the South West of Ireland.

Enjoys hiking to get the shot.



Hidden Away